Monday, November 16, 2009

What’s Ahead For Summer 2009!

Sawang & I were hoping to come to Canada this summer to visit family and connect with new partners; unfortunately we just could not get the money together in time. Some thought maybe that was a sign from God that we should come off the mission field, but we know better. Sawang and I are right where we need to be and are not letting circumstances dictate our future. Thank God for His Holy Spirit, and His Word, which have been faithful to guide and comfort us in time of need.
Though some plans did not work out, we are excited for all God is doing in the nations of Asia! In Burma, our contact John and his team have just finished building their Pig Farm (see main photo, above). This will help Cyclone Nargis victims, once on the brink of death, now move forward in their new life in Christ. The Pig Farm will generate income for Bamar village families, and will provide funds for John & his team to begin restoration in a new village. Praise God for men and women who are sold out to the plan of God; many lives have been restored because of those who went to Burma, and those who gave sacrificially to help this project.
At the end of this month we will also be starting our annual “7 Weeks in Asia” mission trip! We are leading youths from the jungles of Northern Thailand to the worst slums in Cambodia; from the underground churches in Vietnam to our home base in Sriracha! Log onto for weekly reports and video on this ministry.

We want to thank our partners who are helping us advance God’s kingdom in Asia! BUT WE ASK YOU TO PARTNER with us in reaching the world with the gospel. Please prayerfully consider financial partnership; we need your help! We are looking for people to partner with us $10, $20, $30, or whatever God wants you to give.

Please send a void cheque to A & D World Missions Canada, Box 26010, Lethbridge, AB TIH 6H4 signifying you are giving to Sawang & Lee-Ane Treetippitak. They will set up a monthly debit with you, or you can give post-dated cheques.

Contact the UK Missions Director Vera Lightfoot at and she will give you our bank details so you can set up a direct debit at your bank.

You can also contact us at and we’ll forward our details.
We thank God for you, and all you are doing for His Kingdom!

Together in Christ, Sawang & Lee-Anne

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